Commitments to Renewing Life

For planet

Tackling the Climate Crisis

Our progress

58.15 %


Climate change is a major global challenge. According to the World Economic Forum's Annual Global Risks Report¹, the most likely risks over the next ten years are the failure of climate action (in first place) and weather extremes (in second place). The planet has been experiencing temperature increases, mainly due to anthropogenic actions, which promote the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), resulting in a series of impacts² on natural ecosystems and communities and the development of economic activities.

Combined with the need to act to mitigate and adapt to climate change, the private sector is taking a leading role in this agenda and seeking to understand how these issues affect its economic and financial performance and what business strategies can respond to the predicted scenarios of rising temperatures. This includes risks and opportunities associated with an economy resilient to climate change and low carbon - in other words, oriented towards generating capital with less intensity in GHG emissions.

Suzano has historically reduced the emissions linked to its production in its quest for process efficiency. With a degree of renewability in the energy matrix³ of over 88% (scope 1), the company's GHG emissions intensity indicators per ton of product produced are currently one of the best in the sector. Suzano already has a low intensity indicator compared to its main market competitors.

We understand that acting to combat climate change4 is everyone's role, and the integrated operation of our business - which links our forests to our industrial units - places us as central players in advancing this agenda. That's why ensuring that we continue to work on decarbonizing our operations inspires us to develop better solutions.


The sum of the emissions resulting from our production process (Scope 1) and the purchase of electricity (Scope 2), mapped annually in the Greenhouse Gas Inventory5, is about the volume of finished products (pulp, paper, and consumer goods).

Our emissions intensity target aligns with the Paris Agreement, established in 2015. According to the Transition Pathway Initiative, our emissions intensity is already one of the lowest in the sector.

0,2241 tCO₂e/t (year: 2015⁶).

Reduce the intensity of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 15% - from 0.2241 tCO₂e/t to 0.1905 tCO₂e/t by 2030

Results in 2024

In 2024, Suzano acquired two plants from Pactiv Evergreen, which were effectively incorporated into our activities at the beginning of October. This move directly impacted the results of the Commitment, which was calculated as follows:

i) Methodology according to GHG Protocol rules, including improvements and Suzano Packaging's emissions for the whole year, which resulted in changes to the 2015 base year figures, results for 2022 to 2024, and updating of the 2030 target KPI; and

(ii) a separation between pre-existing operations and new Suzano Packaging operations.

Thus, we obtained the following results:
1) 0.2046 tCO₂e/t, a reduction of 2.9% compared to the previous year. This result takes into account the methodology according to the GHG Protocol rules, including improvements and Suzano Packaging's emissions for the whole year, which resulted in changes to the figures for the 2015 base year, results for 2022 to 2024, and an updated KPI for the 2030 target;
2) 0.1803 tCO₂e/t, considering only pre-existing Suzano operations and 0.5965 tCO₂e/t considering Suzano Packaging operations in 2024.

Suzano applies the GHG Protocol methodology to calculate and present the GHG emissions of each subsidiary for the entire year reported, regardless of the time of financial incorporation.
To this approach, which Suzano has already adopted, we revised the methods for calculating the GHG Inventory following the methodology of the GHG Protocol and ISO 14.064. This revision was based on continuous improvement and methodological enhancements, such as updating the GWP indices referring to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), enhancements to the emission factors of scope 1 sources, and expanding the accounting of the material and applicable categories of scope 3, from 6 to 10 categories. Given the representativeness of the aforementioned changes, the base year (2015) was revised for scopes 1 and 2, and emissions from the relevant scope 3 categories were also incorporated in 2022 (base year), 2023, and 2024.

KPI Tracking
Scope 1 and 2 emissionsResults achieved: emissions
tCO₂e tCO₂e/t













Our plans for 2025

We will continue to implement initiatives to improve operational efficiency and reduce fossil fuel consumption, strengthening the engagement of partner areas, and we will intensify the search for financial instruments that can support the implementation of new decarbonization technologies.

  1. Find out more at:
  2. Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
  3. For more information on our energy management, go to Energy Management.
  4. For more information on Suzano's context and relationship with Climate Change, visit the link.
  5. The 2024 Greenhouse Gas Inventory was externally verified following the standards of NBR ISO 14064 and the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program by an independent third party.
  6. The base year (2015) for scopes 1 and 2 was revised due to the revision of the GHG Inventory calculation methods following the GHG Protocol and ISO 14.064 methodology and the inclusion of Suzano Packaging's emissions for the whole year. This revision was based on continuous improvement and methodological enhancements, such as updating the GWP indices referring to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), enhancements to the emission factors of scope 1 sources, and expanding the accounting of scope 3 material and applicable categories from 6 to 10 categories. 
  7. These figures consider the change in the 2015 base year figures and the updating of the 2030 target KPI due to the improvements made to the 2024 Inventory and Suzano Packaging's emissions for the whole year;

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