Based on our Commitments to Renewing Life, we expanded our role – both in the value chain and across society - to promote significant changes in how we produce and consume and in how we interact with today's world, thus contributing to a regenerative economy. These commitments guide our efforts for renewing the life of people and of the planet.
Given the complex challenges facing today’s world, we built our sustainability strategy collaboratively by gathering the views of hundreds of people from diverse stakeholder groups, and then established these 15 targets, which are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On the following pages you can learn about the initiatives we are putting into practice.
Increase the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) by 40% in all priority municipalities by 2030.
Achieve 30% women in leadership positions; achieve 30% Black People in leadership positions; ensure a 100% inclusive environment...
Connect half a million hectares of priority areas for biodiversity conservation in the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, and Amazon.
Make available 10 million tons of renewable-source products that can replace plastic and other petroleum-based products by 2030.
Remove 40 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere by 2025; Reduce by 15% the intensity of the Greenhouse Gas emissions of scopes 1 and 2, per ton of production...
Increase water availability in all the critical watersheds¹ in Suzano's areas of operation by 2030 and reduce by 15% the water captured in our industrial operations...