The Greenhouse Gases Inventory is a fundamental tool to account for emissions and removals of such gases that occur in the production and sale of Suzano products. This infographic will explain in the next lines how it is constructed and what is involved in its calculation.

1.47 million
hectares of eucalyptus forest areas

1.0 million
hectares of native forest areas
For the production of pulp, paper, consumer goods and other products in Suzano's portfolio, the production process results in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Suzano accounts for the gases emitted annually in its emissions inventory, which is verified by a third party and made available to the public. And in addition to emissions, the inventory also measures carbon removals promoted by our forest base (planted areas and native conservation areas). Measurement is the first step so that we can act as part of the solutions to combat the climate crisis. We constantly seek to advance in the accounting and transparency of our data for all interested parties.
First of all, it is important to understand that emissions have different sources. According to the GHG Protocol, they are classified into three scopes, according to their origin:

At each stage of Suzano's product production and sales processes, emissions from one or more scopes may occur. The company's total emissions are the sum of the emissions from the three scopes in all its processes. Removals, in turn, result from forest expansion, whether in areas destined for plantations or areas of native forest conservation.
But, after all, where do emissions and removals take place?
The answers lie in the different stages of our production process, so it is important to know them. Let's learn more about it?
Click on the buttons below to find out more about where and how GHG emissions and removals occur.

Accumulated carbon balance (2020 - 2022)
It is from the Inventories of GHG emissions and removals that we can calculate Suzano's carbon balance. As shown, the inventory accounts for the operation's GHG emissions and carbon dioxide (CO2) removals obtained in the eucalyptus cultivation process and native forest conservation areas. The balance between emissions and removals is what allows us to state whether the balance is positive, neutral or negative. Suzano's balance sheet is calculated cumulatively, that is, it considers emissions and removals obtained from the base year (2020) to the last year (2022), thus enabling performance monitoring of our Commitments to Renewing Life.

It is important to point out that the Greenhouse Gas Inventory methodology is related to the operation as a whole and not to Suzano products. Claims referring to the carbon footprint of a product depend on a specific methodology for assessing the entire life cycle of each product, which is different from the calculation of the GHG Inventory methodology.
In addition, our cumulative removals over time mean that we are generating carbon credits from all inventoried removals annually. There are specific guidelines for calculating and certifying any credits arising from projects in our operations and, therefore, the numbers can be different.

Through this Infographic, we demonstrate how the GHG Inventory is an important tool so that actions to reduce and offset emissions can be put into practice. And although Climate Change management is responsible for drawing up Suzano's climate strategy, this is a cross-cutting issue, which is why it is incorporated into the daily and strategic activities of different areas. Among its actions are the management of the use of fossil fuels, including their replacement through the reuse of by-products such as Black Liquor, the search for innovations and technological solutions related to mitigation and resilience, management of energy generation and consumption, forest restoration, engagement of the theme in the company and in the world, inclusion of mitigation and adaptation measures in the risk matrix and in decision-making, among others. Also, to ensure governance for the topic, we have two long-term goals among our “Commitments to Renew Life”. They are the reduction in the intensity of emissions and the increase in the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition to the climate goals, Suzano has other goals related to a low-carbon economy, such as the promotion of biodiversity, water and waste management, and the offer of bioproducts that can replace fossil components. All commitments can be accessed in our Sustainability Center.
A product's life cycle
It refers to the phases on which the lifespan of a product depends. It considers, therefore, from its development until its loss of value when discarded.
Phytophysiognomy is the vegetal particularity of a region, which can vary between the vereda, rocky savannah, dry forest savannah, typical cerrado, among others.
GHG Protocol
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative is a partnership of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, academics and others convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). Launched in 1998, the initiative's mission is to create standards and/or protocols of accountability and reporting of greenhouse gases (GHG) internationally accepted.
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Inventory
Greenhouse gases (GHG) make up the atmosphere both naturally and anthropogenically, that is, emitted as a result of human activity. They have a property of absorbing and emitting radiation that causes the greenhouse effect. According to the IPCC glossary, water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are the main greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. The Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to limit the increase in the planet's temperature, addresses, in addition to these gases (except H2O), the greenhouse gases sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). The GHG Inventory is a tool that counts and maps greenhouse gases and their origins in a given company, region or country, for example. Every year, Suzano accounts, audits by an independent third party and makes publicly available the data resulting from the emissions and removals of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from its operations.
Forest Inventory
The Forest Inventory counts information on a given forest area, such as how many and which different species compose the region and its successional stages.
Acronym for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific arm of the UN that studies and develops analyzes and conclusions on climate change through bibliographies of renowned scientists from around the world.
According to GVces, biogenic CO2 removal or biological carbon fixation occurs through photosynthesis and, when performed, temporarily reduces the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Thus, the carbon increase in plant tissue should be counted as biogenic CO2 removal. At Suzano, we refer to this process when we talk about removals.
*Suzano's Emissions Inventory is prepared based on the recommendations of the ABNT NBR ISO 14064-1 standard (ABNT, 2007) and the following assumptions and methodologies: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, WRI & WBCSD (2004); Guides, guidelines and calculation tools the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (PBGHGP) of FGV (2020); 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, IPCC (2006); Calculation Tools for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pulp and Paper Mills, NCASI (2005).
The calculation of carbon removals in eucalyptus cultivation was carried out according to the “stock change method”, following the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses; Chapter 4: Forest Lands. For areas intended for conservation and restoration, the “gain-loss” method is used to calculate the volume of carbon removals, also recommended by the IPCC Guidelines.
The methodology, data collection, calculations and results are verified by an independent third party following, whenever possible, measurement data and emissions closer to the local reality. The accounting of greenhouse gas emissions is regularly verified/audited by an independent third party and in accordance with the specifications of NBR ISO 14064-1 and the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program.