
Suzano is part of a series of national and international associations/organizations, considered strategic for its operations. See the list below. 

The table at the end of the list shows the total amount of contributions and other expenses with trade associations, from 2018 to 2022. (International)

As part of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) work to accelerate Nature-Based Solutions,'s goal is to mobilize, connect and empower the global reforestation community to conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees by 2030. The organization works in three mutually reinforcing areas: mobilizing the private sector by providing a global leadership platform for companies across categories and regions; multi-stakeholder regional partnerships facilitating partnerships between private, public, and civil society actors; inspiring innovation and eco-entrepreneurship by highlighting promising solutions and helping them gain scalability through challenges and acceleration programs.


Alliance for the Restoration in the Amazon (National)

Suzano has also joined the Alliance for the Restoration in the Amazon, a pact for the conservation of this biome, which today is considered the largest biodiversity reserve on the planet. Restoring the Amazon Rainforest is the priority action of the Alliance and also of the organizations that joined together to found it (among which are: civil society organizations, government institutions, research institutions, and companies), also seeking to boost the forest restoration economy in the biome and stimulate all the links in this productive chain, generating business opportunities, jobs, and income. Suzano is part of the Strategic Coordination Council as the private sector representative, responsible for establishing norms, rules, principles, and policies for the management and operation of the Alliance.


American Chamber of Commerce For Brazil - AMCHAM (International)

A business entity that represents all sectors of the economy and sends demands, proposals, and suggestions to the public authorities. It aims to promote a better business environment, as well as to strengthen the agenda related to trade and investments between Brazil and the United States.


Forest Plantation Producers Association of Bahia – ABAF (State)

ABAF represents the forest-based companies in Bahia, as well as their suppliers. It also works to anticipate scenarios, exchange information about the sector and work together to defend their interests. Suzano participates in the Board of Directors with one Director on the Fiscal Council.


Brazilian Association of BioInovation - ABBI (National)

It is a non-profit, non-partisan, national civil organization that believes in Brazil as a potential leader of the advanced bioeconomy. Its objective is to promote an institutional environment favorable to bioinnovation by representing companies and institutions from various economic sectors. Suzano joined the organization in December 2021 as a full member, participating in the working groups.


Brazilian Association of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Industry - ABIHPEC (National)

A non-profit entity that aims, mainly, to gather the national industries of the sector, installed in all regions of the country and of all sizes, promoting and defending their legitimate interests, with a view to the economic development they make possible.


Brazilian National Standards Organization - ABNT (National)

ABNT plays a key role in the development of technical standards as the only national standardization forum in Brazil. We act in committees linked to themes relevant to our business, seeking to contribute proactively to the discussions and development of initiatives.


Brazilian Association of Government and Institutional Relations - ABRIG (Nacional)

A non-profit civil entity that prioritizes the promotion of ethical debate, focusing on strategic issues for formulating public policies and regulatory frameworks.


Bahia Commercial Association - ACB (State)

It is the oldest multi-sector entity in Brazil. It brings together business people in defense of their interests and the improvement of society.


Commercial and Business Association of Mucuri - ACE Mucuri (Regional)

A business association of articulation and defense of the interests of shopkeepers, commerce workers, and hotel owners in Mucuri (BA). It is a relevant organization due to the impact of the General Stoppage actions to maintain the company's factory, involving mainly the hotelier class. It also figures as the support of the organized civil society in defending the interests of the business sector in the region. Suzano has a stake in the Communication Board.


Commercial and Business Association of Teixeira de Freitas - ACE Teixeira de Freitas (Regional)

Business association for articulating and defending the interests of traders in Teixeira de Freitas (BA). Interlocution with the sector is one of the most beneficial of the company's activity in the region. It also figures as the support of the organized civil society to defend the interests of the business sector in the area.


Imperatriz Commercial and Industrial Association - ACII (Regional)

A representative entity of the Industry and Commerce of Imperatriz (MA) to care for the common interests of the industry and commerce in the municipality. Suzano is a member of its Board of Directors.


Três Lagoas Commercial and Industrial Association - ACITLS (Regional)

This entity seeks to represent the interests of the local business class, using actions that strengthen associativism, fostering economic development in the municipality of Três Lagoas (MS).


Brazilian Foreign Trade Association - AEB (National)

A non-profit private entity, which congregates and represents the export and import business segment of goods and services, as well as related and similar activities.


Mato Grosso do Sul Planted Forest Producers and Consumers Association - Reflore (Estadual) 

It gathers the leading companies in the forest production chain with headquarters or branches in Mato Grosso do Sul. Its mission is to bring together, represent, promote, and defend the collective interests of member companies dedicated to sustainable development based on planted forests. Suzano occupies the entity Vice Presidency.


Business Association of the Northern Coast of Espírito Santo - ASSENOR (Regional)

A business association that articulates and defends business interests in the municipalities of São Mateus, Jaguaré, Conceição da Barra, and Pedro Canário. It provides significant support to the defense actions of the sector and industrial and forestry operations in the municipalities where it operates. Suzano is a member of its Operational and Fiscal Councils.


Integra Costa Leste Association - AICL (State)

The entity's objective is to contribute to the strengthening of actions linked to continued training foreseen in the AICL, to build autonomy and sustainability in regional intersectoral educational policies through actions of the Arrangement for the Development of Education (ADE) of the Suzano Education Program with the leaders of the association's education axis in Mato Grosso do Sul. The partnership is currently being formalized.


Minas Gerais Forest Industry Association - AMIF (State)

The largest class association of the forest sector in Minas Gerais, with great institutional representation and representing an essential player in defending the sector's interests in the state.


Aracruz and Region Business Movement Association Business Association for the articulation and defense of business interests in the municipalities of Aracruz, João Neiva and Ibiraçu (ES) - AMEAR (Regional)

Substantial support to defend the sector and industrial and forestry operations in the municipalities in Espírito Santo. Suzano is a member of the Communication Board and the entity's Operational Council.


Linhares and Region Development Association - ADEL (Regional)

A business association that articulates and defends business interests in Linhares, Sooretama, and Rio Bananal, all located in Espírito Santo. It provides important support to defend the sector and forestry operations in the municipalities where Suzano operates. The company participates in the Operational Council, and the associative purpose is representation.


Business for Nature (International)

It is a global coalition that brings together business conservation organizations and forward-thinking companies. It intends to demonstrate and amplify the business voice on actions beneficial to nature, asking governments to adopt policies to reverse its loss in this decade. The work is done by more than 70 international and national partners and a diverse group of companies from all sectors, sizes, and geographies. The Strategic Advisory Group ensures that the work is grounded in real businesses that act as ambassadors for the coalition.


Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Brazil (National/International)

The Portuguese Chamber's main objective is to promote bilateral relations between Brazil and Portugal. There are over 450 members from the most diverse sectors, and the Chamber promotes the members' activities, organizing events and mediating direct contacts between them to foster partnerships and new business.


Capitals Coalition (International)

It is a global collaboration that redefines value to transform decision-making. By providing an overview of the current business landscape, the Coalition highlights connections to engage in outreach and facilitate expert advice within the capital community. It seeks to ensure that the different parts of the system are connected and that leading organizations and experts are working collaboratively to achieve the ambition of including the value of natural, social, and human capital in the decision-making of financial institutions, companies, and governments. By working with thousands of global partners, it seeks to accelerate momentum, leverage success, connect empowered and engaged communities, and identify the areas, projects, and partnerships where it is possible to collaboratively drive transformational change.


Brazilian Center for International Relations - CEBRI (National)

International relations Think Tank in Brazil holds relevant events and content with influence on the formulation of public policies focused on promoting the international agenda in Brazil.


Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo - CIESP (State)

Approximation for regional performance with the municipal government and public forums such as municipal councils, councils for Conservation Units (UCs), etc., in São Paulo State. Suzano is a member of the Board of Directors.


Center of Industries of the State of Maranhão - CIMAR (State)

An entity linked to the Federation of Industries of the State of Maranhão (FIEMA) that defends the interests of Maranhão's industries. It was founded in 1967, deactivated in 2003, and resumed in 2022. CIMAR has important support in the sector's defense actions and industrial operations.


Center of Agribusiness Development - CEDAGRO (State)

An organization that works to defend, promote, and strengthen agribusiness in Espírito Santo. Suzano participates on the Board of Directors and Audit Committee as vice president.


Climate Connection (Internacional)

A group led by private sector companies to promote voluntary and regulated carbon markets. Association in constitution process.


Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture (National)

The participants of the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests, and Agriculture are committed to organizing and operating in a multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary way while remaining open to new memberships and contributions. Seek convergence and use divergence to move forward and build solutions. As a member of the Strategic Group (GE) and Executive Group (GX) are the Suzano CEO.


National Confederation of Industries - CNI (National)

It represents the industrial sector nationally, promoting actions to improve the industry's competitiveness and defend its interests.


Advisory Council of Porto do Itaqui - CCPI (Regional)

An advisory body of the Maranhense Port Administration Company (EMAP) that gives its opinion on the Strategic Development Plan of the Port of Itaqui in São Luís (MA), and delegated areas, Annual and Multi-Year Budgets of Funding and Investment, assists in the formulation of actions to support the development of the infrastructure of the Port. It also gives its opinion about the measures for raising technological and financial resources with the public and private sectors. Suzano has a seat as a board member.

Young Businessmen Council of Imperatriz - CONJOVE (Regional)

An institution affiliated with the Commercial and Industrial Association of Imperatriz (MA) that aims to promote the interests of the city's young industrial and business class. Suzano has a permanent seat on the entity's Board.


China-Brazil Business Council - CEBC (National/International)

It promotes the exchange and cooperation in the economic, academic, and cultural fields between Brazil and China and fosters the relationship between the business community, diplomatic circles, and government of the two countries.


Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development - Cebds (National)

It reinforces the sustainable development agenda of the companies operating in Brazil through coordination with governments and civil society while spreading the most current concepts and practices on the subject. Suzano participates in the Technical Chamber (TC) of Biodiversity and Technology, TC Energy and Climate Change, and TC Social, developing projects and content.


Council of the Americas - COA (International)

An international business organization engaged in economic and social development, open markets, and promoting networking, events, and debates with its members and important stakeholders.


Maranhão State Council of Water Resources - CONERH (State)

Superior organ of the State System of Integrated Management of Hydric Resources. Its purpose is to defend and protect water resources. That includes the management of the use and occupation of urban land and the collection, the execution of governance instruments, and the treatment and disposal of solid and liquid waste. Suzano has a seat as a board member.


State Council of Environment of Maranhão - CONSEMA (State)

It is a superior collegiate body with the primary purpose of executing the State Environmental Policy. It controls and inspects the exploitation of natural resources. It adopts measures to maintain and promote the ecological balance. Promotes environmental education and public awareness for the preservation, conservation and recovery, and improvement of the environment. Suzano has a seat as a board member.


Regional Innovation Ecosystem - Pulp Valley of Três Lagoas (MS) (Regional)

The Ecosystem provides the connection between entrepreneurs, public and private organizations, teaching and research institutions, innovation environments, and governments so that, collaboratively, they can develop actions that support the strengthening of innovation and the competitiveness of their companies in the Três Lagoas region.


Espírito Santo in Action (State)

This is an outstanding business articulation entity with wide penetration, prestige, and representativeness with the executive and legislative powers of Espírito Santo State. Suzano participates in the Coordination of the Project Guidelines and the Operational Council.


Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul - Famasul (State)

It is a union entity that focuses on the sustainable development of agribusiness, representing the interests of producers and rural unions in Mato Grosso do Sul and strengthening institutional relationships. Suzano acts through articulations and agendas with the president and defense of the sector's guidelines through the Mato Grosso do Sul Association of Planted Forest Producers (Reflore).


Agriculture and Livestock Federation of the State of Maranhão - FAEMA (State)

Representative Federation of the common interests of the rural productive sector in  Maranhão State. It is linked to The National Service of Rural Learning (SENAR).


Mato Grosso do Sul Industry Federation - Fiems (State)

The entity aims to promote the development of industries and support entrepreneurs and employees. It was formed by bringing together four business units and actions to serve the industrial sector throughout the state: FIEMS itself, the Social Service of Industry (Sesi), the National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai), and the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL). Suzano acts using articulations and agendas with the president and defense of the sector's guidelines through the Paper and Pulp Industry Employers Union of MS (Sinpacems).


Federation of Industries of the State of Maranhão - FIEMA (State)

Federation representing the common industrial interests of the entire Maranhão State. It influences the state government.


Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo - FIESP (National)

FIESP represents the industrial sector in São Paulo State. Through FIESP, public policies are discussed with government agents. Suzano is a member of the entity's Sustainability Council.


Findes (State)

It represents the industrial sector before the agents of the government of Espírito Santo. Suzano participates in the Council of Representatives, the Council for Legislative Affairs, the Council for Labor Relations, the Council for the Environment, and the Council for Infrastructure.



Representative entity for promoting and fostering the forestry sector in São Paulo State. Suzano occupies the presidency of the entity.


Forest Stewardship Council® – FSC® (International)

Suzano is a member of the FSC® and actively participates in discussions and commissions conducted by the organization, both nationally and internationally, to support initiatives directed at responsible forest management, which include the protection of the environment and biodiversity, respect for the rights of the communities and other relevant socio-environmental issues.


GHG Protocol LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use-Change and Forestry) (International)

Suzano participates in the Advisory Committee and the Pilot Test of the GHG Protocol Land Use working group. It aims to develop a methodology for calculating carbon removals and land use sector initiatives (Greenhouse Gas Protocol Carbon Removals and Land Sector Initiative).


Brazilian Tree Industry - Ibá (National)

Its objective is to add value to the original products from pine, eucalyptus, and other species planted for industrial purposes. Suzano participates in the Deliberative Council, in the Coordination of the Biotechnology Committee, and various other committees, such as Certification, Government Relations, Climate, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Working Group, Biodiversity, and Logistics, among others.


Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets - ICVCM (International)

Formerly called the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), the ICVCM is an initiative of nearly 250 member institutions, sponsored by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) and led by the private sector. Its work is to scale up an effective and efficient voluntary carbon market to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. In addition to Suzano being part of the advisory group, our CEO also publicly supports the initiative by signing the signatories of the endorsement letter. 


Institute for Industrial Development Studies - IEDI (National)

A private institute for studies on industry and national growth with works that emphasize the responsibility of the private sector and the company in driving industrial development in partnership with the State.


Institute of Forest Research and Studies - IPEF (National)

Created in 1968, it is a non-profit association aiming at the planning, implementation, and coordination of actions and the management of means destined for studies, analysis, and research in natural resources with an emphasis on forest science.


Institute of Governmental Relations - IRELGOV (National)

Institute that aims to raise the professionalism, competence, and ethical standards of the professionals who work in government relations, positioning itself as a think tank for the area.


International Chamber of Commerce Brazil - ICC Brazil (National/International)

ICC Brazil gathers the Brazilian members of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world's largest business organization, focused on international trade, whose network comprises about 45 million companies and business associations in over 100 countries. Suzano does not have a representative of its executive body on the ICC Board. However, the vice-president of the Suzano Board of Directors, Daniel Feffer, is the chairperson of the ICC Superior Council. 


LIDE - Group of Business Leaders (National)

LIDE - Business Leaders Group is an organization that brings together executives from the most varied sectors to strengthen free enterprise for economic and social development, as well as the defense of ethical principles of governance in the public and private spheres. Present on five continents and with more than two dozen fronts, the Group has regional and international units with the purpose of strengthening the business community's role in the construction of an ethical, developed, and globally competitive society.


Entrepreneurial Movement of Espírito Santo - MESSES (Regional)

The business association of articulation and defense of business interests in the southern region of Espírito Santo. It provides important support in the sector's defense actions and industrial and forestry operations in the municipalities where it operates.


New Generation Plantations - NGP (National/International)

The NGP platform is a place to share knowledge about good plantation practices and learn from experience. The platform seeks to influence other companies and governments to make environmentally and socially responsible decisions in their plantation management. Suzano is a member of the Steering Committee of WWF's New Generations Plantations platform.


Pact Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on Brazilian Roadways - Childhood Foundation (International)

The purpose of this Business Pact is to encourage the company to publicly assume its commitment to the cause in pursuit of a common goal: end the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on the roads. We are a Platinum Sponsor.


Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption (National)

The Pact was launched in 2006 and is an initiative articulated by the Ethos Institute, Patri Government Relations & Public Policies, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the World Economic Forum, and the Global Compact Brazilian Committee. By becoming signatories to the pact, the companies assume the commitment to disclose the Brazilian anti-corruption legislation to their employees and stakeholders and commit to prohibit any form of bribery, work for legality and transparency in contributions to political campaigns, and excel in information transparency and collaboration in investigations, when necessary. Suzano is a member of the Pact to eradicate corruption cases (including incidents of bribery) throughout the company and thus helping to promote a more ethical market with more integrity.


Global Compact Brazil (International)

International mobilization of companies in support of the United Nations Organization (UN) in the promotion of ten principles that bring together fundamental values in the areas of environment, human and labor rights, and the fight against corruption, as well as the engagement and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Global Compact is a voluntary contribution by companies in the search for a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. Suzano participates in the anti-corruption front and the Energy and Climate Technical Group, in addition to the Board of Directors of the Global Compact Network Brazil.


Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (National)

The signing of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, which provides for the restoration of 15 million hectares of forests in Brazil by 2050, is a clear example of Suzano's willingness to establish solid partnerships. Over 100 institutions and companies are part of this initiative that will contribute to restoring a significant portion of the native vegetation cover in this biome. Based on the pact, Suzano put into practice in an area in Aracruz (ES) and Mucuri (BA) experiments that aim to develop and test planting models with native species, including the use of eucalyptus as a pioneer species to guarantee economic yield in Legal Reserve areas (RL) and areas with low agricultural potential in the north of Espírito Santo and the south of Bahia.


Partners for the Amazon Platform (National)

A platform for collective action by the private sector to foster new models of sustainable development in the Amazon. Its objective is to develop and identify tangible and innovative solutions for biodiversity and natural resource conservation in the Amazon, as well as to guarantee the quality of life of the region's communities.


Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (National)

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) Initiative is a partnership of companies, non-governmental organizations, governments, academics, and others convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). Launched in 1998, the its mission is to create internationally accepted standards and/or protocols for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and reporting. Suzano has been a member of the GHG Protocol Brazilian Program, responsible for adapting the GHG Protocol method to the Brazilian context and developing calculation tools for estimating GHG emissions, with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, since the inception of the initiative. Additionally, we annually report our GHG emissions in the Public Emissions Registry of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program.


Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification - PEFC (International) 

Suzano is a member of PEFC and actively participates in the discussions and commissions conducted by the organization, both nationally and internationally, to support initiatives directed at sustainable forest stewardship, which include the protection of the environment and biodiversity, community resilience, and other relevant socio-environmental issues.


Territorial Development Network of Maranhão - REDETEMA (State)

An initiative proposed by Vale, Suzano and the Maranhão State Government to integrate their actions in the areas where they operate. Its purpose is to strengthen the activities of private companies in coordination and integration with governmental projects already underway in more than 25 municipalities in Maranhão State. The initiative is coordinated by the Secretaries of Government of Maranhão, of Industry and Commerce, and of Family Agriculture.


Brazilian Business Network for Life Cycle Assessment - LCA Network (National)

Suzano joined the LCA Network in 2017. The entity seeks to debate the importance of the life cycle in the business environment and to establish joint actions to promote and popularize the practice of life cycle assessment (LCA), which analyzes the stages of the production process (from raw materials to post-consumption or final disposal) to measure the environmental performance of products, processes, and services. 


Science Based Target initiative - SBTi (International)

SBTi is a movement that seeks to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the consequent global transition to a low-carbon economy, driving ambitious climate actions in the private sector. In 2021, Suzano joined the initiative, committing to establishing a target aligned with the warming scenario up to 1.5°C (the most ambitious). Throughout 2022, we participated in public consultations and bilateral meetings with SBTi, associations, and customers discussing with these stakeholders the methodologies and lessons learned from the goal-building process. It is worth mentioning that the current decarbonization target assumed publicly by Suzano is adherent to science and in compliance with the Paris Agreement.


Union of Paper, Pulp, Cardboard, Paper Wood Pulp and Paper, and Cardboard Artifacts Industries in the State of Bahia - Sindipacel (State) 
Representation of the industrial sector before government agents at the state level. Suzano has a seat on the entity's Board of Directors. 

Union of the Pulp and Paper Industry in the State of Espírito Santo - Sindipapel (State) 
Representation of the pulp and paper industry sector in Espírito Santo. 


Paper and Pulp Industry Employers' Union of MS - Sinpacems (State)

It aims to promote the development and representativeness of the pulp and paper industry in Mato Grosso do Sul State, strengthening the sector, stimulating innovation, competitiveness, and quality, and promoting sustainable development. Suzano occupies the Vice Presidency of the entity.


Rural Union of Imperatriz - SINRURAL (Regional)

A representative entity of the rural producers in the region of Imperatriz (MA), which works to defend the interests of the agricultural production class.


Rural Union of Paragominas (Regional)

An entity with significant performance and representativeness for the rural producers of Paragominas (PA).


Rural Union of São Francisco do Brejão - SINDBREJÃO (Regional) 

A representative entity of the rural producers of São Francisco do Brejão (MA).


Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures - TCFD (International)

The TCFD develops recommendations on the types of information that companies should disclose to support investors, creditors, and insurance underwriters in assessing and adequately pricing risks related to climate change. Suzano officially supports the TCFD and is committed to continuously improving its reporting. For more information on Suzano's status in implementing the TCFD recommendations, please visit the TCFD page on this website. 


Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures - TNFD (International)

TNFD has a mission to develop and provide a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report and act on nature-related risks. The goal is to support a shift in the financial flows of global results so that they are positive for nature. Through an open innovation approach, TNFD encourages market participants to support the development of the framework structure, provide constructive feedback, and constantly improve its relevance, usability, and effectiveness. 


World Environment Center - WEC (International)

WEC works with businesses, government, academia, and NGOs to promote sustainable development. It provides technical, educational, project management, and other services to industry, governments, and other actors worldwide to achieve concrete business and social value.


The World Economic Forum - WEF (International)

Internationally known as WEF, the World Economic Forum is an international organization for public-private cooperation. The Forum aims to shape global, regional, and industry agendas through the participation and involvement of key political, business, and other leaders in society.

Total contributions and other expenses with class associations

R$ R$ R$





Additional information

Higher expenses with associations:

Brazilian Forest Industry - Ibá:

Amount paid in 2022: BRL 4,680,870.64. Suzano, as one of the leading companies in the sector in Brazil, actively participates in Ibá, an association that institutionally represents the planted tree production chain. Ibá's main themes are good forest management practices, environmental services, innovation and technology, and sustainability in the sector's production chain, among others. The association has several working groups formed by its member companies, which are responsible for defining public policy priorities and developing advocacy strategies with policymakers (on Climate Change issues, for example) and other relevant stakeholders on each subject.


State trade associations (Bahia Association of Forest-Based Companies - ABAF, and FLORESTAR, in São Paulo):

Amount paid in 2022, respectively: BRL 509,171.00 and BRL 114,000.00 (total of BRL 623,171.00).

ABAF represents the forestry companies in Bahia State, as well as their suppliers. Suzano acts in the institution with other companies on sector benchmarking, environment, relationship with local communities, transportation infrastructure, and legal and tax security.

FLORESTAR: Suzano's participation aims to represent the forestry sector in São Paulo. Several topics are discussed in the association, with the State Forest Plan, monitoring of operational issues (planting and transport), state licensing, and other related topics being a priority.


Other associations:

Amount paid in 2022: BRL 10,266,046.76.


Regarding local activities in Brazil and abroad, we are members of approximately 86 associations. This high number of members is due to the comprehensive presence of Suzano in each of the regions in Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo States), as well as our global presence in international associations.