  1.  Commitment to Human Rights

Suzano respects and promotes Human Rights in its business and operations as a whole, urging the same attitude from its employees and partners. The company has a Human Rights Policy aimed at establishing this commitment by means of managing risks and opportunities, reducing adverse impacts, and maximizing the company's positive impacts and those on its value chain. It highlights the rights that are relevant to Suzano, its operations and value chain, such as: the preservation of customary rights, access to water and other natural resources and traditional communities' and indigenous peoples' subsistence activities; the eradication of child labor and any form of forced or compulsory labor; freedom of association and collective bargaining; as well as the fostering of a dignified, safe, non-discriminatory work environment with adequate remuneration. 

Our commitment is grounded in respect for internationally recognized human rights, defined as those expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights; the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its eight Fundamental Conventions, as well as in external reference documents such as The Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169); the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; the United Nations' (UN) Global Compact Principles; The 2030 Agenda - 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards; the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards; the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles; and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR). 

Moreover, we are committed to actions aimed at promoting human rights, striving to expand the positive impacts resulting from our activities and be instrumental in transforming our value chain as well as society.


Nowadays, Human Rights management at Suzano is shared by different areas, among which are Sustainability, People and Management, Auditing, Forestry, Supplies and Logistics. 


  1. 2 Voluntary Commitments, Forums and Partnerships 

As Global Compact members, we commit to support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights and ensure that we do not participate in initiatives and actions that violate these rights. We are also present in the Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTI+ (LGBTI+ Companies and Rights Forum in Portuguese), the Iniciativa Empresarial pela Igualdade Racial (Business
Initiative for Racial Equality in Portuguese), the Equidade é prioridade (Equity is Priority in Portuguese), Movimento Mulher 360 (Women 360 Movement in Portuguese) and the Rede Mulher Florestal (Forest Women's Network in Portuguese). 

In 2022, Suzano took part in the Action Platform for Human Rights of the Global Compact Network Brazil, which promotes discussions regarding the role of companies in terms of human rights issues, under the UN Guiding Principles on Business, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. The Platform is composed of representatives from business, UN agencies, NGOs, and government, and its agenda includes debates on gender equality, immigrants and refugees, the rights of LGBTQIAP+ people, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, confronting racism and forced labor, and promoting the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

By partnering with Childhood Brasil, the company conducts campaigns and training for both the internal and external public, in collaboration with the Municipal Councils for Children's and Adolescents' Rights in 10 partnering municipalities. To learn more, see the indicator "Agente do Bem". 

We have also taken part in the ""Comunidades Na Mão Certa" (Communities in the Right Direction in Portuguese) Project, designed to provide a collective space for learning and sharing best practices in the market to engage the various sectors of the community and public policies in fighting sexual violence against children and adolescents on Brazilian highways.

  1. Due Diligence Process and Human Rights Assessment

Suzano operates in several locations in Brazil that host human rights risks that are inherent to the local context. Moreover, the company's activities can pose risks, and thus require the ability to adopt measures to prevent and mitigate human rights impacts. 

A corporate due diligence was completed in 2022, encompassing the mapping of human rights risks and highlighting opportunities to improve the existing management process. Its scope took into account both the Brazilian and industry contexts, as well as the characteristics of the company's forestry, industrial, logistics, port operations and supply chain. Over 280 documents were analyzed in the process and 27 in-depth interviews were conducted. Information gathered through risk management procedures, grievance mechanisms and stakeholder engagement was also employed.

Based on this mapping, the following issues were identified as priorities: decent work; occupational health and safety; equality and prevention of harassment; decent and safe work in the value chain; the right to a healthy environment and access to water; the health, safety and well-being of local communities; relations with local communities and human rights defenders; the rights of indigenous and traditional peoples and communities; land rights; the rights of communities in the value chain; property security; ethics and transparency.

The most relevant rightholders for the company's operations and value chain were also identified, being: company and contracted employees; value chain workers; local communities; indigenous and traditional peoples and communities; human rights and environmental defenders; society. The rightholders group extends to those who do not have any direct interaction with the operations, yet are affected by them, for example, residents of more distant communities.

As a result of the findings related to the due diligence process and the classification of risks and potential impacts for rightholders, action plans are being drawn up, based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

In the forestry operations, wood suppliers are identified as relevant public and are covered by the FSC-STD-40-004 and Cerflor NBR 14.790 chain of custody certification and by the Wood Supply Policy. FSC also has a specific standard for receiving non-certified wood, defined as "Controlled Wood" (FSC-STD-40-005 Standard), establishing the implementation and maintenance of a due diligence system to identify, among others, risks to Human Rights. Suzano has implemented annual internal audits and, upon detection of deviations in the categories, corrective actions are taken and monitored.

In the context of supplier management, we have established a Sustainable Procurement Policy containing guidelines on Human Rights and sets out guidelines to be observed in the various stages of the relationship, from registration, approval, assessment right through to monitoring. When dealing with Suzano, the supplier agrees to allow compliance evaluation visits, provided they are previously agreed upon, providing all records and information requested, ensuring that fundamental Human Rights are not at risk of being violated. 

Our homologation and registration process covers 100% of suppliers and considers mandatory documentation for contracting segments. In 2022, we incorporated sustainability requirements into this process, assessing mechanisms and strategies related to management and social performance, human rights, governance, quality management system, integrity and the environment. We have also made progress in automation and data analysis aiming to leverage risk prediction processes, provide efficiency to audits in the supply chain and support decision making for more responsible purchases. To this end, we have established and maintained important partnerships to support us in this transformation journey.

Aiming to ensure the rights of our employees, Suzano follows the current legislation, the collective bargaining standards and the policies established in the company's Code of Conduct. Regarding labor and union relations, we are committed to maintaining respectful relations with the employee representatives and abide by the agreements entered into, while always disclosing them to all employees. We value and promote diversity, with no form of discrimination of any kind, be it race, color, political conviction, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, place of birth, disability, among others. 

Suzano also monitors adverse social impacts resulting from its activities on the communities surrounding its operations, and implements the most appropriate mitigation measures for each case. Suzano's Social Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is intended to assess the efficiency of the relationship and socio-environmental investment strategies adopted, as well as to monitor and assess processes and actions involved in minimizing social risks associated with the company's operations (impacts and demands).

Concerning local, indigenous and traditional communities, human rights issues are monitored by means of internal procedures and defined in their operating licenses. We are committed to take the lead in repairing the damage, not waiting for the injured party to complaint, and ensuring that the affected party is granted freedom of choice as to possible remedy options.  


  1. Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct encompasses the six ethical principles that drive our daily actions focusing on the quality of our relationships, products and services. Inspired by Suzano's Culture Drivers, the document guides and refines our daily actions and decisions, ensuring that our activities with employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, government agents and the community are aligned with the ethical behavior and respect cultivated by the company in its relationships with its assorted public. This entails the unchanging respect for Human Rights, as a fundamental condition to be met by all parties involved in our business.

We strive to raise awareness, foster engagement and establish effective implementation of Human Rights in all of our businesses through communication, training and team meetings. To align the conduct expected from all Suzano employees, mandatory (re)training on the Code of Conduct is required periodically. It is worth noting that the Code of Conduct and its mandatory training were updated in 2021, in line with our internal regulations. 

We also devised Suzano's Supplier Code of Conduct, which establishes strategies and the interaction environment between Suzano and its suppliers through clearly communicating the company's expectations regarding the operating conditions and operation of its partners. The Code is applicable to all of its suppliers, including their legal representatives, who commit to act in accordance with the laws and applicable regulations in force, as well as with the provisions of Suzano's Code of Conduct and the contractual provisions signed between the parties.


  1. Dialogue Channels and Complaint Mechanism

Suzano is committed to transparency in dealing with its stakeholders. To this effect, it has a structured process in place to register, evaluate, respond to and monitor all stakeholder manifestations related to its activities and products, such as complaints, questions, suggestions, opinions and others, that can be accessed through the call center or by e-mail at Stakeholder relationship management is done by means of SISPART, the corporate system for recording and monitoring incidents received by the company. 

As for the internal and external public, Suzano also offers an ombudsman channel that ensures confidential treatment for all issues brought forward, including those related to Human Rights. In the event of violations of the Code of Conduct, Corporate Human Rights Policy and Diversity and Inclusion Policy, the People & Management and Ombudsman teams are equipped to receive and handle complaints of any nature, in addition to ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation of those involved. This channel is available by phone 0800 771 4060, e-mail or via the portal and applies to Suzano's operations in Brazil as well as in every other region of the world in which the company has offices.

Suzano is committed to remediating adverse impacts on Human Rights throughout its chain of operations. The complaints submitted are recorded in an outsourced computerized system. Upon complaint submission, an investigation process is initiated, which must be completed within 30 days. Results are then presented to the Conduct Subcommittee, responsible for assessing the implementation of consequences and action plans, with a final report to the Conduct Committee.

The main complaints refer to inappropriate behavior, fraud, physical conditions of the workplace, remuneration, working hours, benefits, labor issues, deviation from function, selection/admission/dismissal process, health and safety, and information security. After due analyses and investigations, corrective and disciplinary measures are applied through warnings, suspensions or layoffs.