
Suzano's commitments to sustainability and the long-term production of value have begun gaining recognition from external evaluators, who play a significant role in the global agenda on the topic. Concerning the climate change agenda, in 2021 the company earned the following acknowledgements:

Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE in Portuguese acronym): The B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3) was the 4th sustainability index established in the world, in 2005, and is the foremost in Brazil. It is a tool for comparative analysis of the performance of the companies listed on the B3 under the aspect of corporate sustainability. Among the dimensions analyzed is that of Climate Changes. Suzano was selected to integrate the ISE 2021 and 2022 portfolio, which is composed of shares from 46 companies, valid from January 3 to December 30, 2022.

B3 Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2 in Portuguese acronym): The Carbon Efficient Index is an indicator created by B3 in partnership with the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development in Portuguese acronym). It is composed of shares of companies participating in the IBrX-100 (an indicator consisting of the 100 most traded assets in the Brazilian capital market), which have agreed to undertake transparent practices regarding their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, such as the preparation and disclosure of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, thus stating their concern with global warming. When selecting the participating companies, the degree of efficiency in GHG emissions and the free float of each one's shares are taken into consideration. The select group brings together 67 shares from 64 companies listed on the B3, and Suzano was one of the companies listed in 2022, for the second year in a row, based on the closing date of 12/30/2021.  

Carbon Diclosure Project (CDP) - Climate Change Questionnaire: In 2020 we joined the CDP platform, which feeds investors and governments in their decision-making process based on important information about risk management, opportunities and social and environmental impacts. It is an initiative designed to mobilize these players to build and accelerate collaborative actions for a development that can make work for current and future generations. In our debut year, according to the organization's methodology, we already got a B grade in the questionnaires we answered regarding climate, water, and forests. In 2021 we focused on the constant improvement of our performance, working on identified gaps, both related to the company's initiatives and to transparency in their disclosure. As a result, we scored an A in the three answered questionnaires.

Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI): According to the platform, Suzano's Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity reduction target is among the best in the sector and in line with the climate scenario of "below 2oC", that is, exceeding the reduction scenario established in the Paris Agreement. In 2021 Suzano was at level 2 - Building capacity, however by 2022 our improvement was noted by the initiative, thus positioning the company at level 3, which regards the integration of GHG emissions management as well as risks and opportunities related to Suzano's transition to a low carbon economy at an operational and decision making level (integrating into operatinal decision making).

Climate Action 100+ (CA100+): Launched in 2017, the investor-led initiative initially focuses on the 100 companies with the highest volume of direct (Scopes 1 and 2) and indirect (Scope 3) emissions, as identified from data modeled and reported by CDP. Within a year of the launch, investors were invited to nominate companies which have specific opportunities to drive the clean energy transition; which may be highly exposed to climate-related financial risks; or which may be regionally or nationally critical. A further 61 companies were identified through this process. Suzano was appointed to the initiative in late 2020, having been identified as a significant contributor to the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Suzano was the first company in the pulp and paper sector to lead a case study of the Task Force On Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), launched in 2015 on the TCFD Knowledge Hub - a page where initiatives related to TCFD recommendations are disclosed, which has featured 14 case studies (mainly stemming from companies in the financial and non-financial sector). Among Suzano's case studies, the highlight was this Indicator Center, which contains financial information related to climate change, aligned with the recommendations for measurement and transparency of results proposed by the TCFD.

Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi): Suzano joined the Business Ambition for 1.5°C and the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), global initiatives to promote the decarbonization of the world economy. In addition to these commitments, Suzano will establish goals aligned with the 1.5°C science-based emission reduction target scenarios over a period of up to two years, as stipulated by the initiative. This effort will cover its own emissions as well as emissions from its value chain.

Climate Change Recognitions